Monday, September 29, 2014

korean dramas

Let's talk about my most recent tale of romance, shall we?!

Okay. So. There was this guy that I was really interested in. I thought he was ALL THAT AND A BAG OF CHIPS, and everyone wanted him. So I wanted to get to know All That And A Bag of Chips as much as I could. I dug deep, and tried my best to get into his world. But through this dig, I stumbled upon another man. This stumbling was so random, it was almost like he had disguised himself as All That And A Bag of Chips in order for me to notice him in the first place. Before I knew it though, I fell in love with him, and now I am exploring his world, and loving what I'm discovering so far!

Alright, if that romance sounded so B.S. it's because it is. All That And a Bag Of Chips is actually Mandarin and the second guy in disguise is Korean! I'm talking about languages. At first, I wanted to learn Mandarin knowing that it is the most spoken language in the world, and it would probably help me score discounts in Chinatown. So, I tried to look for some shows in Mandarin to help me learn the language. I was digging deep in the DVD section in the library and found this one 8 disc set that said it had subtitles in Mandarin, English, and Korean and the languages were in Mandarin and Korean. I thought that Mandarin was the main language and there were just dubs in Korean, but it turns out to be the exact opposite. Long story short, it was pretty annoying to watch it in dubs, so I switched it to the original Korean (w/ Eng subs of course) and I fell in love with the Korean language -- also the culture, the people - everything!

So, last summer, I found myself in the Korean drama wormhole. The first Korean show I watched is called Hooray for Love and like all first loves, it has a special place in my heart.

There are so many things that I love about this drama. For one, the characters. The leads are so cute together, but I also adored the little girl and the mother of the lawyer ("Shut the mouth!"). 
isn't she cute? i was rolling on the floor laughing when she was learning Tagalog and was like "I have to change my name to Blanca!"

What I loved about this drama was that it also focused on the forgiving power of love, and I liked how it had a romance between "older" people and a romance between the young. It's overall a feel good show with lots of teary-eyes moments and scenes that makes you crave for some porridge.

And of course, there is the king of all Korean dramas: Secret Garden.

My friend recommended this one to me, and I watched it with my mom, and now my mom is an adopted Korean citizen thanks to this show. 

Don't get me started on how much I love the song "That Man." I LOVED Oska though (his voice, his character, everything). And to be honest, I was sort of rooting for her to end up with her boss/stuntman. But, oh well. That's what happens when you don't pursue the girl you love--you lose her to someone who fights for her heart. 

So, I'm still learning Korean, and it's going to take a while before I can actually start conversing with people, but I'm excited to learn more about this amazing culture! 

Friday, September 19, 2014

i'm not afraid.

Cue Eminem song.
In fact, I think Eminem/rap songs in general are key to everyday motivation. But that's not really the point of this post...
When I was in high school, I wasn't the bravest person ever, but I was still pretty fearless to a certain extent. I joined the track team with no experience in long-distance running, sprinting, hurdles, anything; I approached my teacher & asked if he could add more points to my grade because I worked pretty hard and told him I deserved a higher grade than what he gave me; when I was 17, I laughed more, wasn't afraid to hang with groups of people. I thought about the future and I stressed about it, as you do, but it didn't leave me crawled up and shaking because I was hopeful that the future was going to turn out alright.
Fast forward to college. My first year demeanor was pretty much the same as my 16, 17 year old self. I changed majors, but I was still hopeful that the future was going to be great, I was confident in myself to succeed. Cue second year. I think that was the starting point of my downward spiral. the reality of my parents' unemployment was weighing in; my motivation in every day routines was waning. What the heck am I doing with my life--what the heck was I doing HERE? I started to lose confidence in myself, I started to think that my dreams wasn't going to turn into reality because of so many factors/obstacles in front of me. If only I had something to get me excited.
Enter Some Dude. I have known Some Dude for a while, but I didn't pay much attention to him in the few semesters that we've known each other. But I was getting signs that he "liked" me. Wow!Wow! A guy who likes me? I HAVE to like him too. Matter of fact, I have to make sure I do everything in my power to make sure he likes me, and continues to like me. Because, of course, there had to be solid, GOLD reasons why he would like someone like me. Suddenly my life revolved on getting Some Dude to like me--guarantee like me. So I made sure to be the type of girl he would like. I changed my interests to match his, I changed my goals just to make sure he could fit into them, I changed the way I laughed (yes. this is true. I studied how people laughed and copied it and practiced it) so he would think I was fun; I changed the way I talked, so we could be on the same page (it wasn't that he was stupid/dumb, but he just avoided being smart). He would have to like me now that I became his "ideal" girl, right? Let's hang out--all the time! I asked him out a couple of times, & we had an okay time. But then, my plan of getting him to confess his feelings like Usher wasn't working. Wait....does this mean he doesn't like me? I was giving up. Suddenly there was a voice in my head saying, "Why would he ever like YOU?" And I believed that voice. I believed that I wasn't pretty enough, I wasn't funny enough, I was basically not good enough for him to like me, for anyone to like me. In hindsight, it was never about Some Dude. I didn't really like him for who he was--I only liked him because I just wanted someone to like me, because I didn't like myself. Because to be honest, when we did go out, we had nothing to talk about. The air was dead and dry. But I still convinced myself to like him.
After this, I continued to listen to the voice that I wasn't good enough. During the summer after Get Some Dude To Like You mission, I was supposed to meet my aunt and cousin--I hadn't seen them in years. I looked at myself in the mirror and thought, "I'm never going to impress them." You know when you haven't seen someone in a long time, and you think, when you DO see them again, you want to impress them--show them that in the long time you haven't seen each other, that you've done something with your life--you had this major transformation romantic comedies could envy? Well, that voice in my head was telling me, "They're going to be SO disappointed when they see you." So you know what I did? I locked myself in the bathroom, sat on the floor hugging my knees, crying, as my aunt and little cousin were eating dinner with my family. I told them I wasn't feeling well and needed to be cooped up in the bathroom for a while. I heard them laughing, and chatting, and having a good time. Something they could do well without me. No one needed me to have a good time, and that was fine with me. Better to disappear.
That same summer, I was supposed to go to ballet class, but I could never manage to go. the thought of my fat self in a leotard was so scary. (even though I had been studying ballet for years). I quit ballet. When school started again, I made sure to avoid Some Dude, even though, poor guy, he had no idea what was going on. I made no effort into my appearance. I wore the same sweater everyday, and I didn't make any effort to make friends or talk to classmates. I was fine being melded into the background. I had no appetite for learning. I couldn't care less about what happened in class. Starting a paper made my heart race. Sure, before I procrastinated, even in high school. But this time, I felt paralyzed. I was so scared of failing, but I failed anyway.
I know none of it made sense. But then something happened & it made me take a good hard look at my suicidal thoughts. It made me turn around and say, I need to take some control over my life.
I can't be afraid anymore. The things that I could do without any worry, without any thought, gave me panic attacks. I deleted my Facebook, got off every social media site, because I wanted to isolate myself. I didn't want any human interactions because I didn't like myself, so who would like me?
I know it sounds weird, and maybe it doesn't make any sense. but I was tired without having done anything. I didn't care about what happened to me. I didn't care about anything.
Then 2014 came, and things were changing. I got an internship, and the people there made me feel less afraid of interacting with people. in fact, I was getting better at it. I wanted to talk to people. I wanted to look nice, and made an effort in how I looked. I was interested in my classes. I was re-gaining confidence.
It wasn't an overnight thing. To this day, I still get little panics over the simplest things. But I'm motivated to get better. I am aware of all the wonderful things life has to offer, has yet to offer. But I also know things aren't just handed to you--nothing is guaranteed. Our job is to make the most of everything. I am actually grateful for that period of depression because it gave me a certain softness that I didn't have before. I am also consciously aware of the feeling of being afraid, so I can make an intended effort to NOT be afraid. Whenever I feel scared, I think of it as a challenge that needs to be overcome, rather than letting the fear dictate what I can't do.

Tuesday, September 16, 2014

interning w. american ballet theatre

last spring i had the blessing of an opportunity to intern in the special events department of american ballet theatre, my favorite ballet company in the world! my first pair of ballet slippers came in an ABT box; the first ballet that i ever saw was ABT's production of Swan Lake with Michelle Wiles as Odette/Odile & Cory Stearns as the Prince. this company means a lot to me, so being able to wake up every other day to head to 890 Broadway has been like a dream.

everything - from the administration office, to the studios where the company rehearses, to the JKO school - is located at 890 Broadway, an old building that still has man-operated elevators--and so much history! every time i went to the bathroom, i would pass by the piano music and see glimpses of my favorite ballet dancers rehearsing. in the hallways, i saw roberto bolle, misty copeland, hee seo, isabella boylston, and even Natalia Makarova!!! (she's so tiny! but i love her head scarf!)

all that aside, the actual internship experience was so worthwhile. my mentor/boss was/is awesome and she was so patient with me (b/c i made a LOT of mistakes), and i am so grateful that I got to work with her in preparing for the spring gala. as a special events intern, i worked mostly with the database system called Raiser's Edge (I wrote a blog post about it on the ABT intern blog - check it out by clicking here!) My relationship with Raiser's Edge was a shaky, sometimes abusive & frustrating one, haha, but knowing how to work it is essential if you want to work at a non-profit.

In preparing for the spring gala, I helped organize the guest list, seating, bios, was actually pretty fun! but of course, May brought the real fun times, even though it was a pretty busy month, especially since I was also juggling final exams. The spring gala was awesome, and I was surprised at how smoothly it went (thanks to the amazing team at ABT!). There were a lot of celebrities, most notably Selena Gomez, whom I've heard was really nice and friendly, although I never got the chance to interact with her, oh well. i had so many precious memories of that night--hopefully if i ever become rich i can buy myself a ticket one day!

May was also the start of ABT's Met opera season, which meant I basically was going back and forth to Lincoln Center! the other interns and I got to meet Charles Barker, one of the conductors, and basically go through the maze that is the backstage of the met opera house! I even got to sit in a box seat! Let me tell you, a box seat is magical and adds some fancy time to the ballet seeing experience. a funny story: some of the interns and i were suppose to sit in one of the boxes after helping out in an event but there were people already sitting in our seats (even though we had the ticket). we went to the usher about it, and it turns out that Kevin McKenzie and company were the ones sitting in our seats! oops! but they were all really nice about it, & let us sit down. it was funny and embarrassing and wow - awesome to sort of meet Kevin McKenzie!

i have to say this experience at ABT has meant a lot to me. 2013 was not a good year for me, but having this experience early this year was truly a blessing and helped me out a lot, more than what can be put on a resume. my co-workers are really the nicest people ever, and i hope they will find success in everything they do. ABT will always have a special place in my heart. not only as a ballet geek, but as a part of this crazy journey that is growing up! 

Monday, September 15, 2014

youtube videos!

one hobby that I recently picked up was making YouTube videos!
I never thought that I would actually enjoy the process of filming in front of my webcam, editing the clips, and then sharing them with the people of the internet.

It's fairly new, and I hope to upload more videos in the future, especially when I get better in the various languages that I'm currently studying (French & Korean; also brushing up on my Spanish & Tagalog).

In the meantime, here is my latest video about signs to look out for to see if a girl likes you!

I got inspired to start making videos after watching Apn9a's videos. She is so cool, and we share a lot of the same interests so check her out too! 

I highly recommend making a Youtube channel because it allows you to express yourself to everyone and no one at the same time. You're completely free to express yourself, show & share your interests and opinions, while also improving on your video-editing skills. I had ZERO knowledge on how to edit videos, and now (even though I don't consider myself a pro) I'm proud of how far I've come haha!



welcome! thanks for stopping by!
I'm the type to create blogs left and right, but I never manage to actually write posts...hopefully that'll be different this time around.
I hope this will be a happy, interesting, we're-in-this-together-you-and-me sort of place. I'll mostly be writing about languages, food, ballet, books, writing, school-stuff and general life rants.
I hope you enjoy!
