Fridays are my favorite days because I have two of my favorite courses this semester: Great American Novel and Acting1. For our "finals" in acting class we have to prepare a scene from a play with our partners, line memorized and all. This past couple of weeks we've been rehearsing so Friday my partner and I rehearsed our scene for the class. It's from "Proof" by David Auburn; I'm playing Claire, and my amazing friend is playing Catherine. So far, I feel like I'm the weakest link in the play b/c I don't really understand my character. I'm struggling with really believing in her ideas while also being hungover (believe it or not, I have never been hungover so I did my best to imagine having the biggest headache ever (I also don't get really bad headaches haha)). But this time, my prof said I had a lot of improvement & my entrance was beautiful, so that really made me feel better. My scene partner is really good & she got the character down flat. Next step is just to keep rehearsing, keep believing in "my" ideas, and memorize the lines!
I really love my acting class, and my class is a bunch of funny, kind people! I don't know if I've mentioned it before, but I really want to pursue acting b/c I realized how much I love it, and I've always loved films. When I was a kid I would love watching the behind-the-scenes specials b/c I loved hearing the actors talk about their craft. Because there aren't that many notable Asian American actresses (or actors), I never really thought it was possible. But after watching Lupita Nyong'o win an Oscar, her speech really motivated me to at least be brave, and just try. So I hope to turn this blog into a place where I can record my journey on this impossible road!
Friday night, I passed the 25,000 words mark in NaNoWriMo! Halfway there! I've been struggling with this manuscript b/c it's the first time I'm writing fantasy & I need to remind myself to just let my imagination go! Also, the dialogue is different from what I'm used to writing, and so it's kind of hard to develop the romance organically. We'll see how it goes. I just need to keep writing, writing, writing!

Also, I loved this song that came up at the end credits. You can tell how far behind from the times I am, b/c I was like, who's singing? and my Mom of all people was like, "It's Lorde!" and for a second I was like, "Who's Lorde?" And then I was like, ohhh. Ok.