I'm about ten days late, but
HAPPY 2016! 2015 has been awesome, and I hope yours was too.
In 2015 I:
-acted a lot, & learned a lot about the craft (I love referring to acting as The Craft).
-filmed in a couple of student films, one of which I had a lead role & the other required me to dance (bad) ballet moves in the middle of a subway station.
-graduated college with a BA in Psychology & my scholarship still in tact.
-Worked, worked, worked (in a vegan restaurant owned by my favorite & most nicest chef) and saved up enough money in order to travel 10,000 miles by myself across the globe to...
-THE PHILIPPINES! Finally visited my family members (including my adorable grandmother) which has been a dream of mine for so long.
-Went helmet diving & parasailing in Boracay
-finished a couple of drafts of my manuscript & have come a long way in making it something query-able.
I am so grateful and feel blessed for all that happened in 2015. Did I accomplish everything that I wanted to in 2015? Maybe not, but that's what's going to make 2016 awesome. Every year we should strive to step it up and live without fear. I think fear is the most crippling thing to let overtake us. Fear of failure, fear of being criticized, fear of embarrassment, fear of being rejected, fear of so on and so forth. We create plans in our heads, then worry about those plans - how will we execute them, how will it all work out. Why worry about these things when it's up to God. We shouldn't worry about our plans, but instead look to what God has in store for us, and whatever that may be - pray for acceptance of it.
There are many things that I *hope* will come to fruition in this upcoming year. One of which is getting in shape and losing my Freshman 15, Sophomore 15, Junior 15, and Senior 15. My go to strategy plan for this is following a healthy vegan diet, and exercising, and portion control. Wish me luck!
2015 has been wonderful mainly because I strived to reach out of my comfort zone one step at a time. This year, I hope to do work in more acting projects, possibly get my SAG card, and just get back in the swing of learning and auditioning. I also want to try my hand in modeling and working in front of the camera and learn how to be confident in front of it.
But if you know me very well, you can probably already guess that my number one dream is to become a published author. I am currently in the middle of the fourth draft of this fantasy manuscript & since I don't have school, I hope that I can have time to finish it and finally beginning the process of querying agents. I'm going to work hard to make 2016
Even if I don't accomplish any of this however, I want to look back at 2016 and know that I've done my best to
serve. I have to be reminded of how lucky I am, even in times of despair, and the only way to express that gratitude is to give back. My new years resolution is to volunteer more and find a job that gives back to the community in some way.
But like I said earlier--
it's all up to God. Whatever plans He has for us, know that it is made out of love. I hope you have a healthy, happy new year!!!
2016 will be the best year yet.