Friday, October 24, 2014

writing two drafts at once!

I am doing something pretty ambitious! Drafting two different stories at once! Will I succeed? Time will tell (it's also not a good sign that I'm writing this blog post instead of on said drafts). I know most writers advise to just concentrate on one project at a time--but really I feel like I need to work on these two simultaneously in order to keep my sanity.

One reason is that one of the drafts I've been working on endlessly for the past four years (eight if you count all of high school since creating the kernel of the story) and I just need a breather. But I don't want to stop working on the first manuscript because I just got a sprite of inspiration after watching this phenomenal film, and so I feel all heat up to work on it. The second draft I've had in the back of my mind for a really long time, so I need to just let it out on a first draft and see what I can do with it.

So there you go. My reasons for working on two drafts at the same time. I'm keeping a word count tracker to keep me focused and to track my progress, which I recommend to every writer. I'm also going to be participating in NaNoWriMo for the very first time this year which should be fun. I don't know what to expect but I know things are going to be pretty busy. I have school, a new part time job (at a retail store, which means Black Friday is going to be cray-cray), and keeping up with working out and learning languages. That's it, right? Yeah, I think that's about it. Ha! I'm happy to be doing these things anyways.

I will update here about working on two drafts. We'll see how this goes. Wish me luck!

*ALSO* I'm totally pumped up for NaNoWriMo. Let's be writing buddies!

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